In SocialFood there is the Experience Level as an added value to users, reaching the maximum level will mean in addition to other benefits to get your ideal partner to share a table. You will gain levels over time and depending on the increase in activity on the page. There are 5 levels of experience.


E-mail and mobile certificates
Full profile





Nº of positive opinions





% of positive opinions











Your Experience Level

If you have a high level it means that the SocialFood Community trusts you. Four factors are what will define your level of experience.

  • The information you have completed in your Profile
  • Nª of opinions received and% of positive opinions left to you
  • Your Antiquity on the web
  • Your Experience Level is updated every day at 2:00.

How to advance in your Experience level

Complete your profile to get it 100% complete

Complete your Profile: your name, date of birth and a small biography (30%)

  • Certify your E-mail and your Mobile (15%)

    The Certification of the information is important for the Experience Level because the other users will trust you to plan their schedules based on your socialfood or vice versa.

  • Add your profile picture (15%)

    Photo is important for your level of experience because users like to know who they are going to eat with. You can upload your Profile Photo directly from Facebook. It will only take you 2 seconds!

  • Add your preferences (15%)

    Your preference is important because users have more information about you. You can indicate whether you care or not to smoke in your home, your tastes or if you are a fairly sociable person or not. This step is very easy and fast.

  • Add information about your dish or menu (20%)

    If you are SocialChef, the information in your menu is important because diners like to know the type of food they are going to eat, what it takes etc.

  • Add a minibiography

    So the SocialFood community can get an idea of who you are, before sitting at your table. Talk about your hobbies, what you do for a living or why you like SocialFood.

  • Leave and receive opinions

    Something very important for your Experience Level. Users receive opinions from others after having eaten together. The more positive opinions you have, your Experience Level will be higher. Our opinion system is on a scale of "Great" to "Bad." To progress to the higher level, it is necessary that 90% of the opinions received be with a "Good", "Very good" or "Great". The best way to receive opinions is to travel often and always leaving an opinion to the person with whom you traveled: 75% of users who receive an opinion also leave one!

being an ambassador you have its advantages

Ambassadors have a special status in the SocialFood Community. On the one hand, users will trust you more, they will prefer to eat with you and your house will fill up faster. On the other hand, Ambassadors can be invited to interviews, participate in round tables and / or events, try the news that is coming ... and much more!

Marta (46) Ambassador

Proud to be an ambassador, and that every detail in my SocialFoods is valued, since I am, many more SocialFood users want to go home.

Pablo (30) Ambassador

Being Ambassador they have never rejected me a place. Cooks like to share their plate with Ambassadors, they feel calmer with my Profile. I love being an embassy.

Angela (23) Ambassador

Being Ambassador I have participated in a discussion group. It was very interesting to meet other users and the SocialFood team. Everything I said was taken into account and then it was done! I am the envy among my friends thanks to the ambassador level.

Trust is key

When we advance in the Experience Level (leaving Opinions and completing our Profile in SocialFood), together we create even more Trust within the SocialFood Community. Trust is fundamental, as it allows us to feel comfortable when we do SocialFoods. To share is to live!